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Grantham University Shawnee Mission, KS

Nursing Schools
Nursing Schools
66219 Nursing Schools

Grantham University

Grantham University is located in Shawnee Mission, KS and offers a variety of nursing degree or certificate programs according to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

Below we’ve included some basic information about Grantham University.

Grantham University Address

16025 W 113th St
Shawnee Mission, KS 66219


Frequently Asked Questions About Grantham University

What Type of School is Grantham University? 4-year, Private for-profit

What Nursing Degrees or Certificates are Offered? Less than one year certificate; Associate’s degree; Bachelor’s degree; Postbaccalaureate certificate; Master’s degree

What is the Campus Setting? Suburb: Large

Is There Campus Housing? No

What is the Student Population? 9303

How Many Undergraduate Students Are There? 7816

What is the Grantham University Graduation Rate? 38%

What is the Transfer Out Rate? NA

Cohort Year: Fall 2011

What is the net cost to attend Grantham University? $11,251

Largest Program:

What is Grantham University IPEDS ID? 442569

You can view detailed information about the programs or certificates available at Grantham University on the NCES website.

* Cohort Year represents the year for which students began their studies and applies to Graduation and Transfer-Out Rates at Grantham University.
** Net price is the Average Net Price for 2016-2017 generated for full-time beginning Grantham University undergraduate students who were awarded grants or scholarship aid from federal, state, or local governments or the institution. For public institutions only students paying the in-state or in-district rate are included. For institutions that charge students by program, net price is generated for the institution’s largest program.
NA (Not applicable) – Graduation rate, transfer-out rate, and the net price do not apply to institutions that do not have full-time, first-time degree-seeking undergraduate students in the applicable cohort year or the financial aid year.

TAGS: Grantham University , Nursing Schools in Kansas